Davis Graveyard Open House this Sunday

IMG_2449** Free Event**

Remember the Annual Davis Graveyard Open House is this Sunday, October 9th from 11am to 5pm. There will be lots going on this year, fun for the whole family.

Remember the street will be closed during the open house you can park at the grade school on Roswell or at the business on Johnson Creek.

* We will have the Independent Dance Project will be performing and raising money selling snacks and taking donations.

* We will have the crew available to do tours and show you how the props are made.

* We will also be playing a Zombie game from Ztag Zombie Tag.

Human players start out with a GREEN ZTAG badge and must survive by avoiding zombie players and finding health kits. If they find all the health kits, they can disable zombies and help other humans stay alive.

Zombie players have RED ZTAG badges and seek out humans players. Infection happens when a zombie player’s badge gets within 3 feet of a human player’s badge. If “infection” is successful, the human player will become a zombie if he/she does not find a health kit in time, and the player’s badge will turn red. http://ztag.com/game.html

* Zombie Apocalypse Disaster Preparedness Awareness Event
Zombie face painting, raffle, information about Emergency Preparedness, and so much more at this free event! Check back for more information as the event is planned!zombie-1

* Chris will also be offering items from her Etsy store DG Gothic, lots of cool creepy decor items perfect for you house or Halloween party.

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